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The age of global society

Writer's picture: Christoph GeislerChristoph Geisler

Societies around the world are facing forward-looking developments: The civil space age has begun, learning machines and algorithms are being used in all areas of life, the complete global networking of people with each other is progressing, a return to nature and the planet is taking place. The transformation of work and thus the meaning of life has begun. At the same time, we as humanity are facing existential challenges that transcend nations: New diseases and epidemics and the states of emergency they generate, the effects of climate change, migration movements through global inequality and conflict, political corruption and favoritism, the danger of the use of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, labile economic systems, environmental destruction or the threat to the achievements of enlightenment through disinformation.

The Global Society

The national party system, which largely dates from the 19th century, was not designed to deal with global challenges. Governments are constrained by their legitimacy and limitations to nation-state concerns. This becomes a problem when the relevant international organizations are repeatedly thwarted by individual national governments for selfish or opportunistic reasons. At the same time, corrupt systems, in the transfiguring garb of old ideologies and with autocratic means, try to delimit and further develop themselves in order to secure advantages for their respective power cores. With a symbolism of strength, their own exaggeration, the projection of fear and guilt onto political opponents at home and abroad, and the false assertion of their own majority, they easily gain supporters among the conformist segments of the respective populations seeking for orientation. This is possible primarily because there are no alternative, easily accessible and assertive social visions of equal symbolic power for these people.

In order to shape the upcoming developments in a way that benefits all humankind, responsible people from all parts of society must come together to jointly shape the future with cooperative and innovative solutions, independent of system and party thinking.

A major step in this direction was taken in 2015, when the global concept for the future, the so-called Global Goals, which had been developed over several years, was adopted by all countries at the United Nations General Assembly. These later became the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They describe goals for all areas of society, the achievement of which is necessary in order to meet the upcoming global challenges and to lead global society into a stable future.

But what is the global society?

In 1948, under the impressions of the apocalyptic Second World War that had just ended, and under the experience of the destructive effects of fascism and autocracy, nations came together to draw lessons for the future and to establish global rules for the peaceful development of humanity. As a result of this coming together, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted without dissenting votes at the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948. It describes for the first time the necessary existence of a world community and enshrines the inherent dignity and inalienable rights of its members in 30 binding articles for all nations and organs of societies as an ideal to be aspired to and protected for this world community. Institutions have been established to realize this vision and, through international rules, to replace the historic struggle of the stronger against the weaker with cultured and collective action for the common good.

With the emergence of the Internet, a world community is now no longer a theory. It has already become a reality and has arrived in people's everyday lives. For the first time in history, it is possible for everyone to contact everyone else. Regardless of borders, cultures and distances, it becomes part of this world community. It is then no longer just a citizen of the nation in which it lives, but at the same time a member of global society. Through this, one has already overcome its self-imposed national boundaries and has entered a new age.

Global society must now first recognize itself and bring its many voices to bear. The utmost desire of global society should be clear: No war, no destruction, no nuclear threat, no oppression, no exploitation. Instead: Progress, prosperity, cooperation, understanding, culture, music, business life, healthy nature, regional identity, self-development. And leaving behind a world worth living in and loving for the children. With a personal footprint that leaves no harm but respect and inspires the descendants. On a small or large scale.

Today we are witnessing the resurgence of autocratic and repressive regimes, while at the same time digital technologies are bringing individual citizens ever closer together. It is time again for people around the world to unite and stand up for the principles of equality, freedom, justice and peace to promote and protect the progress of civilization. Courageous and committed individuals from all sectors of society and from all countries are now needed to actively, resolutely and sustainably shape this new era. Civil society is playing an increasingly central role in this process. It is becoming apparent that through creativity, courage and commitment, socially important processes can be dynamized and shaped, especially when it comes to issues of a global nature.

The age of the global society has long since begun.

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