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Space debris: A growing challenge from old satellites

Writer's picture: Maya GarcíaMaya García

Space debris: A growing challenge from old satellites
Space debris: A growing challenge from old satellites

Space debris, also known as space junk, is one of the most concerning challenges for space missions and the long-term sustainability of Earth's orbit. As technology advances and more satellites are launched into space, fragments of old satellites and parts of rockets left in orbit accumulate, creating a growing threat not only for current missions but also for future exploration. This article explores the space debris generated by old satellites, providing a detailed analysis of the problem’s magnitude, risks, current statistics, and potential solutions.

What is space debris?

Space debris refers to any human-made object that is in orbit around Earth but no longer serves an active function. These debris include defunct satellites, rocket remnants, fragments of destroyed satellites, tools, and other material left behind during launches and space missions. There are two main types of space debris:

  1. Low earth orbit (LEO) debris: Found between 200 and 2,000 km in altitude, where most active satellites are located.

  2. Geostationary orbit (GEO) debris: Positioned at approximately 35,786 km in altitude, containing objects such as communication satellites that are no longer operational.

Space debris from old satellites

Old satellites, those that have reached the end of their operational life and have been deactivated, are one of the primary sources of space debris. According to the European Space Agency (ESA), it is estimated that there are more than 3,000 defunct satellites in low Earth orbit. As these satellites break down or collide with other objects, they generate smaller fragments, further increasing the amount of debris.

Main causes of space debris:

  • Collisions between satellites and other objects: Often, collisions in orbit cause satellites to break apart into smaller fragments, increasing the risk of creating more debris.

  • Degradation of old satellites: Over time, exposure to solar radiation and friction with the atmosphere can cause satellites and their components to break apart.

  • Rocket launch missions: The remnants of launch rockets that reach orbit also contribute significantly to space debris.

Statistics and magnitude of the problem

The number of objects making up space debris is rapidly growing. According to the Space Debris Coordination Committee (DCC), there are currently over 30,000 trackable space debris objects ranging from large items such as defunct satellites to smaller fragments. The distribution is as follows:

  • Over 3,000 defunct satellites.

  • More than 23,000 objects larger than 10 cm.

  • Nearly 500,000 fragments smaller than 10 cm.

  • It is estimated that there are hundreds of millions of smaller pieces that cannot be detected.

While most of these objects are in low Earth orbit (LEO), larger pieces in geostationary orbit (GEO) are particularly dangerous due to the high speeds at which they travel and their potential to cause damage to active satellites.

Risks associated with space debris

Space debris poses several risks to both space missions and life on Earth:

  1. Risk to satellites and space stations: Operational satellites are vulnerable to collisions with fragments of space debris. Even small fragments can cause significant damage due to the high speed of objects in orbit. The International Space Station (ISS) has had to maneuver to avoid collisions with space debris on several occasions.

  2. Risks for future space missions: As launches increase, so does the risk of creating more space debris. This could make future satellite launches and missions more dangerous.

  3. Generation of more fragments: A single piece of space debris can generate hundreds of smaller fragments, creating a snowball effect. This cycle is known as the Kessler Syndrome, which suggests that the exponential growth of space debris could make significant portions of low Earth orbit inaccessible.

Initiatives and solutions

As the problem of space debris intensifies, various organizations and governments are taking steps to mitigate its effects. Some of the ongoing initiatives include:

  1. Space debris cleanup: Various projects are underway to clean Earth's orbit. For example, the ESA is working on the ClearSpace-1 project, a mission planned to capture and remove a large piece of space debris in 2025.

  2. Improvements in satellite engineering: Efforts are being made to develop satellites with capabilities to deorbit themselves in a controlled manner at the end of their operational life. This would help prevent further accumulation of space debris.

  3. Regulation and guidelines: International bodies such as the UN and ESA are working on setting stricter guidelines for debris management, such as reducing the generation of debris and ensuring satellite recovery at the end of their operational life.


Several organizations are actively researching and developing solutions to address the growing issue of space debris. These include:

  • The European Space Agency (ESA): ESA has been a leader in developing technologies and guidelines to reduce space debris. In addition to the ClearSpace-1 mission, ESA supports research into ways to actively remove debris and prevent future generation.

  • Space Debris Research Group (SDRG): An international group focused on researching debris removal technologies and ways to mitigate the risks posed by space debris. SDRG’s work includes developing new materials, debris-tracking technologies, and methods for cleaning up orbital debris.

  • Astroscale: A private company dedicated to space debris removal, Astroscale is working on developing ELSA (End-of-Life Services by Astroscale), a mission to remove space debris through satellite servicing technologies.

Space debris is an increasing and complex challenge that requires urgent attention to ensure the sustainability of outer space. While there are already international efforts to tackle the problem, the magnitude of debris in orbit and the risk of further collisions demand coordinated global action. Without effective measures, the accumulation of space debris could compromise the future of space exploration and the satellites we depend on for communication, weather forecasting, and navigation.

To avoid a space crisis, a more rigorous approach to space debris management is necessary, with technological innovations and stricter policies to mitigate the associated risks.


Here are some reliable sources where you can find more information on space debris and related topics:

  1. European Space Agency (ESA) - space debris

    ESA Space Debris

    The ESA provides detailed insights into space debris, its risks, and ongoing projects like ClearSpace-1.

  2. NASA - Orbital Debris Program

    NASA Orbital Debris Program

    NASA's dedicated space debris program outlines their efforts to monitor, mitigate, and remove space debris.

  3. United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)

    UNOOSA Space Debris

    UNOOSA provides information on the international framework for managing space debris and its impact on space exploration.

  4. Astroscale - Space debris removal solutions


    Astroscale is a private company focused on removing space debris, and their website shares information on their missions and technologies.

  5. Space Debris Research Group (SDRG)

    Space Debris Research Group

    SDRG is an international research group focused on the study of space debris and ways to mitigate its impact on future space operations.

  6. Space Debris Foundation

    Space Debris Foundation

    A non-profit organisation dedicated to mitigating space debris through research, advocacy, and education aims to address the growing challenge of orbital waste.

These sources offer comprehensive information, research findings, and updates on space debris, as well as solutions being implemented to address the growing issue.

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