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People in Europe demand animal Welfare

Writer's picture: Maya GarcíaMaya García

The desire for an EU Commissioner for Animal Welfare is shared by 69% of Europeans.

Animal Equality representatives traveled to Brussels to urge MEPs to endorse the proposal, which has already gathered more than 169,000 signatures from EU people.

Oral Question 16/2022, submitted by Danish MEP Niels Fuglsang on April 28, calls for an EU Animal Welfare Commissioner and has received the support of 127 MEPs from all political parties (S&D).

It is the topical oral question that has received the highest support in the history of the European Parliament.

Now it is up to the Conference of Presidents to decide when it will be discussed in a plenary session of the European Parliament, during which the EU Commission will give a public response, and when it will be turned into a resolution.

#EUforAnimals is backed by more than 169,000 people.

The #EUforAnimals campaign, supported by more than 40 animal protection organizations from throughout the EU, has garnered the support of 179 MEPs and more than 169,000 people. Animal Equality and other organizations supporting the campaign sent representatives to Brussels in April to solicit support from MEPs for an oral question that is directly related to this campaign.

Last but not least, MEPs from 24 Member States have backed the oral question: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, and Sweden.

The #EUforAnimals movement and oral question 16/2022 both demand that animal welfare be given more weight by explicitly stating this obligation in the name of the pertinent Directorate General and in the position title of the responsible EU Commissioner. The Commissioner's mandate would change to "Health, Food Safety, and Animal Welfare" in the current situation.

The lobby of the cattle industry tries to thwart many of the demands made by citizens for improvements in animal welfare at the European level, which is why the role of the Animal Welfare Commissioner is so crucial. The fact that this topic has gained the most support in the history of the European Parliament serves as an illustration of its relevance.

Vice-President for Animal Equality Europe Matteo Cupi.

According to a survey done in June 2021 by Ipsos, 69% of Europeans think the EU should have a commissioner for animal welfare.

The successful #EUforAnimals campaign represents a breakthrough and success for animal welfare. Positive is not only the fact that the EU can initiate a Europe-wide regulation of animal welfare measures in a simplified way with an animal welfare officer. Also the great European-wide cohesion, which is shown by the support of the campaign from members of the European Parliament, European and even global citizens, as well as European animal welfare organizations and many other organizations, represents a positive statement and a good step towards achieving better conditions for animals and responsible consumption.

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