The court in Puyo ruled in favor of the Waorani from Ecuador. No oil drilling is allowed in their homeland, the Amazon region of Ecuador. A great victory for the indigenous natives of the country.
The negotiations in the city of Puyo lasted two weeks. The Waorani's request, which asked to stop a bidding process for oil exploration companies, was granted by the court. This decision sets an important precedent, according to the Waorani's lawyer. About 4800 Waorani from different provinces live in the Amazon.
Waorani under special protection
Shortly before, an area of about 180,000 hectares was released by the Ecuadorian government for drilling for oil. However, this land is under special protection under the constitution, the court said. Indigenous peoples have an "inalienable, unseizable and indivisible" right to be and remain in possession of their ancestral lands, it said. Although the mineral resources belonged to the state, plans for their possible use had to be discussed with the indigenous groups first, the court said.
In support of the global society and the education of the projects for a better and more sustainable world, the indigenous people of Ecuador receive alternative support that helps them to improve their life standard for the present and future and also to achieve certain Sustainable Development Goals.